Join June in January
by: Maureen Sexsmith-West
ISA Certified Arborist, PR4600A
For many gardeners, winter can be a productive time. We get to evaluate our successes and failures for the coming season, work out designs to rotate crops, investigate new plants and learn about new offerings for our region.
Here is an opportunity to learn about the differences between hybrid and heirloom seeds.
Campus Roots Community Garden Association presents
Seeds: Heirlooms to Hybrids
with June Flanagan
Wednesday, January 16 – 7 pm
Anderson Hall, Rm 116
University of Lethbridge
Join local horticulturist and author June Flanagan as she explains what you need to know about seeds in order to grow tasty herbs and vegetables. Discover the difference between heirlooms and hybrids, find out how to select and sow varieties that best suit our climate, and learn how to successfully save seeds from your own plants.
June Flanagan’s fourth book, Edible Plants for Prairie Gardens: The Best Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs, will be available for sale and signing.
Visit for more information.