Maureen Sexsmith-West ISA Certified Arborist PR4600A Summer is a very busy time for me. Many days are long working in the field and then there is the administrative part that keeps me busy in the evenings or on weekends. I took the ‘day off’ to tend to my own house and garden this weekend realizing that I still had reports to write and tools to service to be ready for next week. The lilacs got a tune-up so the lawn could be mowed without bodily harm. I picked fresh beans and dug a couple of potatoes to have with supper. Can someone please explain to me how one minute you see a blossom and the next you have a monster zucchini growing? Guess I will have to dig out that muffin recipe. I picked the last of raspberries and pulled the pea vines for composting. By far the best reward was reflecting on the latest batch of blooms and enjoying the busy ‘bees’ at work. While not all the pollinators were bees, some were look-a-likes and others just fascinating to watch. Of course, a closer inspection found the latest batch of aphids hiding out under the leaves of the Sunflowers. Not for long – squish! I am really enjoying the investment in a new digital camera – hope you are too. By far the Heliopsis (hee-lee-OP-sis) – False Sunflower was the biggest lure for all kinds of insects today.
Hover Fly – disguised with black and yellow stripes
I believe this is a European Skipper Butterfly on Autumn Sedum
Flower of the Burning Bush
Bumble bee on Liatris
Last bloom on Delphinium
Victoria Blue Salvia – A beautiful Annual
Lone bloom on the Bleeding Heart
Looks like a honey bee – note the pollen on legs
Sun bathing flies on my Chainsaw Carving