Maureen Sexsmith-West
ISA Certified Arborist, PR4600A

This is a STOPDED Bulletin
Alberta’s Elm Pruning Ban in effect until September 30th
To help keep Alberta Dutch elm disease (DED) free, the Society to Prevent Dutch Elm Disease (STOPDED) encourages everyone to pay attention to the Provincial elm pruning ban between April 1st and September 30th. This ban period is intended to coincide with the period during which elm bark beetles are most active.
Elm bark beetles, responsible for spreading the deadly DED fungus, feed on healthy elms and breed in dead and dying elm trees. If elm trees are pruned during the pruning ban period, these beetles can be attracted to the scent of the fresh wound and possibly infect your otherwise healthy elm with DED. Once an elm tree is infected with DED it will die within that year.
Pruning of dead and dying elm branches is encouraged only between October 1 to March 31st. This helps to reduce beetle breeding habitat. Prompt and proper disposal of the pruned elm wood is also essential to keep the vectors and disease from spreading.
To report a DED suspect elm tree or for more information, call the STOPDED hotline at 1-877-837-ELMS or check out the web site at
Janet Feddes-Calpas. STOPDED Executive Director
STOPDED Hotline: 1-877-837-ELMS